Floodplain Management in Florida Quick Guide

About Thiis Guiide

This Quick Guide will help you understand why and how communities in the State of Florida manage development in floodplains to protect people and property. Floodprone communities adopt codes and ordinances that detail the rules and requirements. In case of conflict, those codes and ordinances, not the guidance provided in this publication, must be followed. If you have questions talk with a local planning or permit official.


This Quick Guide was developed and funded jointly by the Florida Division of Emergency Management and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). Questions, comments and requests for additional copies should be directed to the Florida Division of Emergency Management, State Floodplain Management Office at (850) 413-9960.


For more detail on all aspects of floodplain management, please refer to FEMA 480, National Flood Insurance Program, Floodplain Management Requirements: A Study Guide and Desk Reference for Local Officials.

Quide Prepared by:  RCQuinn Consulting, Inc.